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JOMY fire escape ladder. The most economic ladder is the fixed ladder with safety hoops according to regulations. For more then 40 years JOMY makes those ladders and adapts them to each specific situation.

Building access solutions

JOMY is the right partner if you need a light weight aluminum construction to help you access your roof, garden, elevator, church tower or building for maintenance purposes. All our products can be customized according your specific requirements.

Why choose the JOMY solutions?

  • Lightweight but strong aluminium constructions
  • Almost no maintenance required
  • Anti-corrosion due to the anodized aluminium
  • An optional lifeline  can be added to all of our installations

For what purpose are our installations used ?

  • For works done at heights like for example the inspection and maintance of a roof
  • For the repare and the maintenance of cooling- and ventilation systems
  • For the maintenance and or rapir works in an elevator shaft

Discover now our products for access on heights of buildings:

JOMY fire escape ladder. The most economic ladder is the fixed ladder with safety hoops according to regulations. For more then 40 years JOMY makes those ladders and adapts them to each specific situation.

JOMY fire escape ladder. The most economic ladder is the fixed ladder with safety hoops according to regulations. For more then 40 years JOMY makes those ladders and adapts them to each specific situation.

Counterbalanced ladder in an industrial environment

JOMY in line stair for garden access

JOMY in line stair for garden access

Jomy aluminum stairs on a roof

Een geanodiseerd aluminium trap van JOMY voor binnen en buiten, met relingen en andere opties.


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