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Construcciones de aluminio para su seguridad
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Panelling voor een evacuatietrap in aluminium met esthetisch effect.

Architectural designs with aluminum

Because of its numerous advantages like its workability, paintability, light weight and corrosion resistance, architects prefer Aluminum to create esthetical impact as well for the outside as for interiors.

JOMY aluminum is easy to work with, easy to paint, lightweight and corrosion resistant. This is why architects prefer aluminum to create an aesthetical impact inside and outside.

Combining safety and beauty is the dream of every architect or building owner. This has always been well understood by JOMY. Without compromising safety, JOMY engineers work closely with architects to make sure that your new access or evacuation solution is also attractive.

JOMY has a lot of references that can be visited and also a library of more then 5000 pictures, so JOMY can visualize the proposed solution to the customer.

Interior industrial designs in lightweight aluminum

JOMY lightweight aluminum products for a clean and industrial architecture.

The use of lightweight aluminum creates a clean and industrial look for all JOMY products. This means that JOMY qualitative products lend themselves to aesthetic industrial use.

JOMY strives to maximize cooperation with architects and to combine ideas to create beautiful and minimalistic aluminum designs.

The greatest advantage of JOMY products is that they are made of modular parts, so everything stays affordable without compromising innovative creativity.

JOMY aluminum constructions are used by architects who are looking for wonderful, innovative, creative, minimalistic, and industrial products.

Also the combination of aluminium and natural wood is more and more in demand. JOMY can provide also beautiful references of this.

Exterior industrial architecture

The first thing you notice when looking at a building is its exterior. JOMY aluminum installations are the perfect choice for a safe building without compromising on attractiveness. The clean look of aluminum gives an industrial and unique appearance to all buildings.

Working together with architects all over the world, JOMY engineers can create innovative and wonderful designs that are affordable and need little maintenance. The aluminum installations of JOMY are used by everyone who loves minimalistic and industrial designs and wants to give their building a modern, yet timeless look.

Garden access stairs in aluminium

An outside aluminum staircase with clean nice architectural effect

An outside aluminum staircase with clean nice architectural effect

Inside JOMY aluminum stairs

JOMY specializes in a wide range of products including stairs, specialty ladders, walkways, stepladders, custom constructions and other safety accessories. All products are produced from anodized light weight aluminum.

Industrial looking indoors stairs in old building

Een geanodiseerd aluminium trap van JOMY voor binnen en buiten, met relingen en andere opties.

Inside JOMY aluminum stairs

JOMY specializes in a wide range of products including stairs, specialty ladders, walkways, stepladders, custom constructions and other safety accessories. All products are produced from anodized light weight aluminum.

Een geanodiseerd aluminium trap van JOMY voor binnen en buiten, met relingen en andere opties.

Een geanodiseerd aluminium trap van JOMY voor binnen en buiten, met relingen en andere opties.

A wide range of stair accessories like steps, guardrails, enclosures,... to optimize your staircase is available.

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